Steps to lock and unlock single and multiple excel spreadsheet
Why do you need to protect an Excel file or sheet
- To protect and security in Excel File from external usage
- To protect an Excel file from editing
- To protect a workbook
- To Lock or unlock specific areas of a protected worksheet
- To Lock cells to protect them with edits
- To protect display or hide formulas
- To protect controls and linked cells on a worksheet
- To disable copy and paste in a protected worksheet
How to protect excel file and prompt for password from user?
- Open the Excel file you want to protect with a password.
- Click on File -> Info.
- Now select Protect Workbook.
- Select Encrypt with Password from the list.
- Now enter the password.
- Confirm it once more and click OK.
- Lock only specific cells and ranges in a protected worksheet
Steps to unprotected the worksheet
- Open the excel file On the Review tab, click Unprotect Sheet (in the Changes group).
- Unprotect Sheet
- Click the Protect Sheet button to Unprotect Sheet when a worksheet is protected.
- If prompted, enter the password to unprotect the worksheet.
- Select the whole worksheet by clicking the Select All button.
- Select All button
- On the Home tab, click the Format Cell Font popup launcher. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+F or Ctrl+1.
- Format Cells dialog box launcher
- In the Format Cells popup, in the Protection tab, uncheck the Locked box and then click OK.
- Protection tab in the Format Cells dialog box
- This unlocks all the cells on the worksheet when you protect the worksheet. Now, you can choose the cells you specifically want to lock.
- On the worksheet, select just the cells that you want to lock.
- Bring up the Format Cells popup window again (Ctrl+Shift+F).This time, on the Protection tab, check the Locked box and then click OK.
- On the Review tab, click Protect Sheet.
Protect Sheet:
In the Allow all users of this worksheet to list, choose the elements that you want users to be able to change.
How to
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