Word wildcards cheat sheet

What is a Wildcard?

Alternatively referred to as a wild character or wildcard character, a wildcard is a symbol used to replace or represent one or more characters. Wildcards are typically either an asterisk (*), which represents one or more characters or question mark (?), which represents a single character. In the examples below of how a wildcard may be used, realize that character or words.

These wildcards will work in all the version of work 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and so on...

How to use the wildcard in the Microsoft word 

Step 1: Use find and replace option (keyboard shortcut "CTRL + H" )

Step 2: In the Find and Replace window, click “More” to expand the dialogue box and view additional options and check only Use wildcards option.


Step 3: click on the special and add the character or use the below wildcards available

Step 4: Click on the find next button.


The example will you give you a detailed example.

Wildcards Operators:

? - Any Character. (regex equivalent: .)

d?g finds dig, dog, and dug
[-] - Character in Range. (regex equivalent: same)

Example: [a-m]end finds bend, fend, lend, and mend (the first character, in this case, is a, m, or any letter between)
< - Beginning of Word. (regex equivalent: ^)

Example: <tele finds telemarketing, telephone, and television
[] - One of the specified characters. (regex equivalent: same)

b[aeiou]t finds bat, bet, bit, and but
[!a-z] - Any single character with the exception of the ones in the range inside the bracket. (regex equivalent: [^a-z])

m[!o-z]st finds mast and mist but not most or must
> - End of Word. (regex equivalent: $)

tion> finds aggravation, inspiration, and institution
() - Expression. (regex equivalent: (?:))

Lets you "nest" search expressions within a search term. For instance, <(pre)*(ed)> to find presorted and prevented
[!] - Not. (regex equivalent: [^])

Finds the text but excludes the characters inside the brackets; t[!ae]ll finds till and toll but not tall and tell
{n} - Num of Occurrences. (regex equivalent: same)

Finds the specified number of occurrences of the letter immediately before the {; to{2} finds too and tool but not to
{n,} - Num of Occurrences. (regex equivalent: same)

Adding a, after the number tells Word to look for at least that number of occurrences; a {4,} finds four or more of the letter an in a row
{n,n} - Num of Occurrences. (regex equivalent: same)

10{2,3} finds 100 and 1000 but not 10
@ - Previous 1 or More. (regex equivalent: +)

Finds one or more of the character immediately preceding the @; ^p@^t finds one or more paragraph break marks followed by a tab mark
* - 0 or More Characters. (regex equivalent: .*)

Finds a word with one or more of the specified character, or words with none of the characters; des*t finds the descent, desert, dessert, and destruct.


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