Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts


CTRL + N or CTRL + SHIFT + MCreate a new email message
CTRL + SHIFT + QCreate a meeting request
CTRL + SHIFT + CCreate a Contact
CTRL + SHIFT + KCreate a task
CTRL + SHIFT + UCreate a task for someone else
CTRL + SHIFT + ACreate an Appointment
CTRL + SHIFT + NCreate a Note
CTRL + SHIFT + ECreate a folder
CTRL + SHIFT + PCreate a search folder
CTRL + SHIFT + LCreate a New Distribution List
CTRL + NCreate a new item in the current view
CTRL + KValidate email address
CTRL + M or F9Check for new mail
CTRL + O or EnterOpen selected item
CTRL + D or DeleteDelete an e-mail message, contact, calendar item, or task
Shift + DeletePermanently delete
CTRL + RReply to Email
CTRL + SHIFT + RReply to All
CTRL + SHIFT + GFlag selected item for follow up
InsertQuick Flag message
CTRL + FForward selected item
CTRL + SHIFT + VMove selected item to another folder
CTRL + SHIFT + YCopy selected item to another folder
CTRL + QMark an e-mail message as read
CTRL + UMark an e-mail message as unread
CTRL + PPrint Current Item or view
CTRL + SSave selected item
F12Save selected item as a file
ALT + CAccept meeting/task request
ALT + DReject meeting/task request
ALT + CTentatively accept meeting/task request
ALT + SSend Message
Shift + F10Open the options menu for the item (same as right click)
↑↓Move between messages in a folder
expand folder (when in a folder view)
collapse folder (when in a folder view)
CTRL + COMMAmove to previous email
CTRL + PERIODmove to next email
Esc.Close Email (when opened in a separate window)
CTRL + 1Go to Inbox
CTRL + 2Go to Calendar
CTRL + 3Go to Contacts
CTRL + 4Go to Tasks
CTRL + 5Go to Notes
CTRL + 6Go to Folders
CTRL + 7Go to Shortcuts
CTRL + YGo to Folder
CTRL + SHIFT + IView Inbox
CTRL + SHIFT + OView Outbox
F6 or CTRL + SHIFT + TABToggles between the navigation pane, active folder, and reading pane
Shift + F6Toggles backwards between the navigation pane, active folder, and reading pane
ALT + HYPHENChange calendar view to week
ALT + EQUAL SIGNChange calendar view to month
ALT + the number of days (for example, ALT + 5 shows five days)Change calendar to see specific number of days
CTRL + GMove to a specific date


ALT + ODisplay the Format menu
SHIFT + F3Switch case (with text selected)
CTRL + SHIFT + LAdd bullets
CTRL + TIncrease indent
CTRL + SHIFT + TDecrease indent
CTRL + LLeft align
CTRL + ECenter
CTRL + ]Increase font size
CTRL + [Decrease font size
CTRL + SHIFT + Z or CTRL + SPACE-BARClear formatting


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