Microsoft Frontpage Shortcuts

60+ shortcuts frontpage shortcuts and improve your experience


CTRL + NCreate a new page
CTRL + OOpen
CTRL + F4Close a page
CTRL + SSave a page
CTRL + TABSwitch between open pages
CTRL + SHIFT + TABSwitchback between open pages
CTRL + Pg Up, CTRL + Pg DnSwitch between Normal view and HTML view
CTRL + SHIFT + BPreview a page in a Web browser
CTRL + /Display HTML tags
CTRL+ SHIFT+8Display non-printing characters
SHIFT+ALT+F11Display the Microsoft Script Editor
ALT+F11Display the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor
ALT+ENTERDisplay the properties of a selection
F5Refresh a page
ALT+F8Display, edit, or run macros
CTRL+PPrint a page
F7Check spelling on a page
SHIFT+F7Look up a word in the Thesaurus
CTRL+FFind text on pages or in HTML


HomeGo to the beginning of the line
EndGo to the end of the line
CTRL + HomeBeginning of document
CTRL + EndEnd of document
CTRL + ←Moves the cursor to the next word on the left
CTRL + →Moves the cursor to the next word on the right
CTRL + ↓Moves the cursor to the next paragraph down
CTRL + ↑Moves the cursor to the next paragraph up


CTRL + SHIFT+FChange the font
CTRL + SHIFT + PChange the font size
CTRL + BApply bold formatting
CTRL + UApply an underline
CTRL + IApply italic formatting
CTRL + SHIFT + Z or CTRL + SPACEBARRemove manual formatting
CTRL + ECentre a paragraph
CTRL + LLeft align a paragraph
CTRL + RRight align a paragraph
CTRL + MIndent a paragraph from the left
CTRL + SHIFT + MIndent a paragraph from the right
CTRL + SHIFT + SApply a style
CTRL + SHIFT + NApply the Normal style
CTRL + ALT + 1Apply the Heading 1 style
CTRL + ALT + 2Apply the Heading 2 style
CTRL + ALT + 3Apply the Heading 3 style
CTRL + ALT + 4Apply the Heading 4 style
CTRL + ALT + 5Apply the Heading 5 style
CTRL + ALT + 6Apply the Heading 6 style
CTRL + SHIFT + LApply the List style


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